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M³ ( Mass Media Management)

News is the communication of selected information on current events which is presented by print, broadcast, internet, or word of mouth to a third-party or mass audience. Our world today is increasingly driven by a combination of information and entertainment values, were both are promoted by the explo­sion of different means of communication, especially electronic communication such as satellite TV and Internet, among many other forms, hereinafter is called the “MEDIA”.


Mass Media Management M3 provides a complete business process management solution to automate the relation between the following 3 entities:

  • Media
  • Content
  • Stakeholders

The solution consists of:

  • Media Sources
  • Media Capturing
  • Transcription
  • Broadcasting
  • Repository

M3 solution is aligned with the 8th Sustainable Development Goal proposed by the United Nations – Decent Work and Economic Growth.